电子邮箱:guolh2013@hotmail.com 教育及工作经历: 2021.06 南开大学控制 科学与工程专业 获工学博士学位 2021.07- bevictor伟德官网 伟德国际BETVLCTOR
研究领域: 复杂网络与演化博弈系统、MAS分布式优化、协作强化学习
主讲课程: Java 程序设计、C++ 程序设计、模式识别
论文: L. Guo, Z. Liu, Z. Chen, The intermediary players affect the altruism behavior on the bipartite network, EPL, 2021 L. Guo, Z. Liu, Z. Chen, A novel bilateral protocol in the bipartite network based on the public goods game, KBS, 2021 L. Guo, Z. Liu, Z. Chen, The greedy crowd and smart leaders: a hierarchical strategy selection game with learning protocol, SCIS, 2021 |